Plate faults

We saw already for other Duchies, like Lombardy-Venetia and Modena, that the plate faults are a characteristic of these stamps. Tuscany is not an exception and presents itself with a large number of faults during its issue. The plates of the two issues of the "Marzocco", that were printed with the same stereotypes, went often through some "maintenance" interventions due to the wearing of the stereotypes or of the shift of their position on the plate.
The job of repair, repositioning and substitution of the prints not always were done with the due attention and for this reason several plates got permanent damages.
Some of these damages were due to the reshuffling of the stereotypes on the plate, may be due to heavy hammer hits to force them in position (see fig. 1-2-3-4 of the below scheme); in other cases we are dealing with fusion faults or wearing of the plates.
Some fault is present in several issues and on all their values. Let's not forget that in fact the starting point was always a plate with its value part mobile, therefore the same stereotypes were used to print all the plates for all the values. If one plate was carrying a fault and was not substituted that plate was leaving its "mark" on all the different values. Much less is instead the number of plate faults found in the issues of the Provisional Government, just some border slightly irregular and some recurrent printing faults (Fig. 1).

Plate fault
Plate fault
Fig. 1: constant plate fault in the Provisional Government issue

Several authors studied these faults and published their works. A pamphlet very interesting and clear, from which I extracted the below images, is the one made in 1980 by Cesco Giannetto and published by "Centro Filatelico Internazionale" in Milan.
In the table here below I present the main and more evident faults that can be seen on the stamps and I have outlined in red color the specific detail in discussion: others faults do exist: they are of minor importance or not repetitive (Fig. 2).

2 Soldi
Fig. 2: a little constant plate fault in the 2 Soldi value

There are also three images of official printing essays already showing the faults (Fig. 3 to 5).
At the end, I used the usual Java applet where is possible to select the desired stamp and see the fault.

1 - Upper left corner
pressed down
2 - Left border
3 - Lower left corner
presed down
4 - Lower right corner
pressed down
5 - "L" faulted and
6 - "T" faulted and
7 - "N" faulted and
with a spot
8 - "CO" broken
by a line
9 - First "L" looking
like a "T" upside down
10 - Printing fault
between leg and shield
11 - Color line
under the nose
12 - Back
partially missing
13 - Big missing
part on the centre
14 - Small mssing
part on the centre
15 - White bent row
on the back

Essay 1
Essay 2
Essay 3
Fig. 3-4-5: three official essays of the 2 Crazie,
where plate faults are already well evident
The first one with fault nbr 15, the second one with fault nbr 10,
last one with fault nbr 3

Select the image from the left list to see the stamp

The image appears here